God's call is to His entire church and we all have gifts to share. Mother of Good Counsel Parish offers many different ways that members can share their gifts with others.
Please prayerfully consider your gifts and our ministries. Then call the contact person listed or the Parish Office at (414) 442-7600, ext. 102 to join.
Arts and Environment at MGC
Members of MGC who are gifted with artistic and creative skills are invited to share them through participation in art and environment. This includes decorating the church, and entrances for various seasons of the church year as well as maintaining bulletin boards and possible sewing projects throughout the year. Special attention and planning are given to the major seasons of Lent/Easter and Advent/Christmas.
Other faith-filled applications of this ministry may include working with plants and floral arranging, sewing, painting, and working with various media to enhance the worship environment. More practical elements of the ministry include ironing, polishing, washing linens, and volunteering wherever help is needed.
Artists who choose to volunteer in the preparation of the sacred space through art, show gratitude through the sharing of artistic gifts and thus provide a visual worship setting that promotes a more intense relationship with our Creator and helps Mother of Good Counsel Church be a welcoming place for the faithful.
Altar Servers
Young people from 4th grade through college:
You are invited to learn to assist the priest at Mass. Lessons are provided and new altar servers are installed annually. Join and help serve at the Lord's table.
Adult servers are needed to help serve at funerals during the week. Training will be provided and your service will be a witness and comfort to the families.
Contact: (414) 442-7600 ext. 107
Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic ministers assist the priest and deacons in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at each weekend Mass. Training is provided. Most ministers serve about once every 4 weeks. You can also choose the Mass at which you prefer to minister.
Contact: Deacon Andy Meuler, (414) 442-7600, ext. 125, meuler@mgcparish.org
Open to Confirmed parishioners 16 years of age and older. Lectors share God's Word with the worshipping assembly. Two training sessions are provided (one is a practice session). All lectors receive a workbook containing the readings for the year, hints on pronunciation and suggestions on how to proclaim each scripture reading. Most lectors serve approximately once every 6 weeks.
Contact: Deacon Andy Meuler, (414) 442-7600, ext. 125, meuler@mgcparish.org
Ushers & Greeters
Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) welcome people to each Mass. They assist in seating the congregation, support other ministers, and help with the collection. To join this ministry, contact Deacon Andy. He will arrange training with an experienced usher.
Contact: Deacon Andy Meuler, (414) 442-7600, ext. 125, meuler@mgcparish.org
Faith Formation
Baptism Prep Partners
Volunteers lead classes for parents with infants & children to be baptized. Volunteers are scheduled to lead several meetings a year depending on their availability. Help train parents at this joyous time! To volunteer, please contact:
Contact: Kathy Kohut, (414) 442-7238
Marriage Prep Partners
Volunteers meet with engaged couples and provide support. Help couples communicate their values as they prepare for their wedding. Work with young couples at this happy time!
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS reedcmungovan@hotmail.com
Religious Education
Classes are offered for K5 - Pre-Confirmation aged children. The classes begin in the fall and are held on Sundays at 11:00 AM.
Contact: Robert & Mariza Konzal 414-899-1811 mkonzal@msn.com
Bible Studies
Tuesday Morning Group is open to everyone. This group usually uses a text for interesting and lively discussion purposes.
Meeting: 9 am -10:30 am in the parish Living Room (Seasonal check calendar for upcoming meetings)
Contact: (414) 442-7600 ext. 107
New members are always welcome to join in sharing their musical talents at MGC! Volunteers are needed for singing in the choir, playing handbells, and playing instruments. Instruments welcome include strings, wind instruments, percussion, guitar, and bass.
Saturday at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Music selection for weekend Liturgies is drawn from the Sacred Scripture of the day. The parish has a shared repertoire for all the weekend Liturgies. The different Masses reflect diversity through Mass times. various choirs, and a wide selection of instrumentalists available that are worshipping at a given Mass.
Youth choirs will rehearse seasonally for Christmas and Easter to provide special youth involvement during those feasts. Youth choirs will rehearse seasonally for Christmas and Easter to provide special youth involvement during those The weekly adult choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Handbell rehearsals are on Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. To attend Thursday evening rehearsals, please enter through the west door of the church
Contact: Craig Bodoh (414) 442-7600 ext. 103, timeman@earthlink.net
Social Justice/Human Concerns
Our mission is to fulfill the scriptural call to justice through direct service, social justice education, social action, advocacy, outreach beyond the parish boundaries, and public health ministry. Through our Operation Rice Bowl program, we seek to address human concerns in poverty-stricken third-world countries. Watch the bulletin for information and articles. Join us!
General Meetings: 7:00 pm on the Second Monday of the month at the chairperson's home. Call for details.
Contact: Dick Mason, (262) 910-1293
Bread for the World
Mother of Good Counsel is a Covenant Church of Bread for the World which means that all the members of the Parish have made a commitment to integrate hunger concerns into the life of their congregation. MGC Parishioners want to learn about hunger, pray for hungry people, take direct action to work locally to alleviate hunger, and, most of all, advocate on local, state, and national levels to end hunger. Every Spring, members of MGC Parish participate in the Bread for the World's Offering of Letters, a major letter-writing campaign during which parishioners join together to write to their Congressional representative in support of hunger-fighting legislation. Members of the MGC parish also participate in Bread for the World's Hunger Sunday which is a Sunday in the Fall that is set aside as a time for rededication to ending hunger in God's world through prayer, education, and action. For more information go to www.bread.org.
Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month. Location rotates among parishes. Call for details.
Contact: Dick Mason, (262) 910-1293
South Side Meal Program
This is an important outreach ministry to the poor of our city, and volunteers can help in several ways. First, volunteers prepare simple portions of food at home that are served at the meal site. Second, volunteers work in our kitchen to accept donations of food and complete the preparation of the meal. Finally, volunteers help transport the food to the site and serve it.
Meetings: First Thursday of the month in the afternoon and evening. Call for details.
Contact: Kathy Buenning, (414) 453-4288, buenning@tds.net
Ministry to the Homebound
We minister to the homebound and hospitalized of our parish, especially seniors and the infirm. We do this by bringing the Eucharist. Please inform the Parish Office if you or another member would appreciate some assistance. Volunteers welcome!
General Meetings: Watch the bulletin or parish calendar for meeting announcements or call for details.
Contact: Mary Betzwieser (414) 313-0012, mjbetzwieser@wi.rr.com
Eras - Senior Network
Its mission is to engage and support seniors, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers in leading meaningful lives. They are helping those 60 years old and older stay engaged in their communities. Those who require services or those who are interested in volunteering may call this number:
Contact Number 414-488-6500
MGC Cares
Parish Life
The purpose of the Parish Life Committee is to organize and facilitate social activities for the parish. We are hoping to allow parishioners the opportunity to interact and build community. Volunteers welcome!
General Meetings: Watch the bulletin or parish calendar for meeting announcements and social events.
Contact: Kathy Denk (414)442-7600, ext. 105, mymudes@mgcparish.org
St. Vincent de Paul
The St. Vincent de Paul Conference at MGC Parish is part of the Milwaukee Archdiocesan St. Vincent de Paul Society. Special projects include the annual Back-to-School Drive in August, the Thanksgiving Food Drive, and the Advent Giving Tree. Food is available by appointment and on the 3rd Saturday of each month, also by appointment. Assistance is also provided through referrals from the Central Office of SVDP for other needs such as furniture, clothing, etc. All are welcome to join as full members, auxiliary members, or supporting members.
Meetings: First & Third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the St. Vincent de Paul Room (East Entrance to church).
Food Pantry: Third Saturday of each month or by appointment
Contact: MGC at (414) 442-7600 ext. 155
Boy Scout Pack and Troop 61
Scouting provides opportunities to build character through activities designed to build life skills and personal characteristics. Our troop is one of the oldest and largest in the city. To enroll your child, contact the leader listed below or stop by during one of the meetings:
Boy Scouts - For boys ages 12-17 years of age.
Meetings: We meet in the Scout House at MGC on Friday nights at 7:00 PM.
Contact: Gene Genal, (414) 588-9104
Troop Website: troop61.com
Girl Scout Troop
Girl Scouting helps girls build character and skills for success in the real world. In partnership with committed adults, young women learn these traits: self-reliance, responsibility, respect, leadership, self-worth, integrity, and initiative that last a lifetime. MGC sponsors nine troops. Call the contact person for meeting details.
Daisy Girl Scouts - Age 5 or in Kindergarten
Brownie Girl Scouts - Gr. 1-3
Junior Girl Scouts - Gr. 4-6
Cadette Girl Scouts - Gr. 7-8
Contact: Erica Byfield all4my2boyz@hotmail.com
Athletic Board
The MGC Athletic Association believes that interscholastic athletics is a valuable, supportive element to the total Christian formation process. Athletics, being part of a well-rounded educational experience, is available to encourage all students physically, socially, and spiritually. Parents: Volunteer to help with our events. You will have fun, make new friends and enjoy cheering our children on! Our objectives are in agreement with the MGC mission statement and the Archdiocesan Athletics Policies.
Contact: Carden Mahler, athletics@mgcparish.org
Home & School Association
All school parents & guardians are members. The Association was created to build community among parents, foster communication between educators & the home, instill pride in Catholic education, provide social opportunities for families, and offer volunteer opportunities & fundraising to support.
Contact: Mrs. Hagen, hagen@mgcparish.org
School Committee
The MGC School Committee provides vision, development, and leadership regarding issues that relate to school administration. School parents, alumni, staff, and non-school-parent parishioners serve on this committee. Membership involves a nomination process, followed by a time of prayer and discernment.
Contact: Mrs. Hagen, hagen@mgcparish.org
Tutors teach reading or math and share their love of reading with our students. Tutoring appointments are available throughout the day.
Contact: Michelle Hagen, Interim Principal, (414) 442-7600, ext. 119, hagen@mgcparish.org
Pastoral Council
Endowment Committee
We provide oversight and governance for the Parish and School Endowment funds. We seek to increase the endowment by soliciting gifts and through prudent investments. Income from the funds is used to support the parish and school. An investment sub-committee reviews our progress.
Meetings: The Endowment Committee meets on a Wednesday in February and August each year in the Parish Living Room. Please call for details. The Investment Sub-committee meets quarterly and reports to the full committee on a semi-annual basis.
Contact: Sandy De la Garza, Ext. 105, delagarza@mgcparish.org
Finance Committee
This committee assists the pastor in the financial administration of the parish. They review the parish & school monthly finance reports and act as consultants to the pastor. Members are appointed by the pastor. Open time for parishioners is the first 10 minutes of each meeting. Copies of the minutes are available in the literature rack in the church lobby.
Meetings: Starting at 6:30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month in the Parish Living Room.
Contact: John Miller, (414) 444-8388, john.miller@medconline.com
Parish Council
The Parish Council is a vital leadership group of the parish. It is a consultative body whose members join through a process that includes open nominations followed by a time of prayer and discernment each spring. Adults should watch the bulletin for announcements of the nomination process. Open time for parishioners is held at the beginning of each meeting and copies of the minutes are available in the literature rack in the church vestibule.
Meetings: Starting at 6:30 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Parish Living Room.
Contact: Kevin Sullivan, klkesully.5@gmail.com
Parish Office Volunteers
Volunteers provide office support for the parish office by staffing the volunteer desk for 3-hour shifts once a week. They answer phones, make copies, stuff bulletins, deliver mail, and help with many other tasks. The parish secretary provides training and is available to answer questions.
We are also looking for people willing to help translate documents from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English.
Contact: Maria Roman, (414) 442-7600, ext. 102, roman@mgcparish.org
Community Social
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA is a fellowship of people with a commitment to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. There are no dues or fees. We host both an AA and an Al-Anon group. Al-Anon is a support group for people living with those struggling with alcohol.
Meetings: Check the AA.org website
Sheepshead Marathon Group
This club has been around for more than 35 years! The group is open to two-some's single or married who would like to make new friends and play cards. The two-some play once a month for six months (Sept. through March), with a revolving group of couples, hosting twice in your home. If you play Sheepshead, call us.
General Meetings: We meet in September, October, November, January, February, and March with a post-Christmas gathering at MGC and an awards banquet in April.
Contact: Ann Lappen, (414)442-5390