
If you or a family member is interested in receiving a sacrament, please contact the person listed below for more information. Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Parish celebrates the sacraments to show our willingness to be a part of the ministry of Jesus Christ who calls us to be sons and daughters of God. The sacraments help remind us that God is always with us


The Baptism of a child into the Catholic community is a beautiful gift of initiation and rebirth. A parent requests the sacrament of Baptism which provides the child with a gateway to the other sacraments. Contact the pastor to schedule a class for the immediate preparation for baptism and to schedule a date for the reception of the sacrament.
Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

First Reconciliation
Reconciliation is the opportunity for individuals to respond to God's ongoing invitation to conversion in one's community of faith. First Reconciliation is offered for children in Grade 2 and older who have not yet made their first confession. 
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

First Eucharist
We celebrate our communion with the Real Presence of Christ in this sacrament. Parents may enroll their children for preparation of this sacrament in Grade 2 and older.
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

The celebration of this Sacrament focuses on a young person's faith and commitment to Christ and his/her desire to enter adulthood in the parish community. Sacramental preparation for high school juniors and seniors includes classes, service to the community, and a retreat experience. 
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS-
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

Confirmation For Adults
Adults who are not confirmed my register for an inquiry session followed by classes that conclude on Easter Sunday. These adults will be joining the RCIA candidates for preparation. Contact the pastor to register for this preparation process. A schedule of class sessions and expectations will be provided as you register.
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

Rite of Christian Initiation for Children
Children seven years of age and older may participate in a program of sacraments preparation with their family if they have not been baptized or catechized in the Catholic Faith. 
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Adults of other faith backgrounds who are interested in becoming Catholic are invited to join our RCIA group. Meetings start in October and end on Easter Sunday. Parishioners interested in increasing their knowledge of their faith are also invited to act as sponsors or team members.
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

Our goal is to enable couples to develop a beautiful and permanent relationship. The pastor and trained couples assist engaged couples.
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

Anointing of the Sick
In this sacrament, the entire parish prays for the seriously ill, the sick or infirmed, aged and those with emotional stress and illness. This is a sacrament for everyone, not only those near death. It can be received several times. Any parishioner who has an illness or a more serious crisis during an illness can receive the sacrament. Communal celebrations of the Anointing of the Sick are held several times per year. To arrange for the anointing of a loved one or yourself, please contact Fr. Reed or Mariza and Robert Konzal.
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -
              Mariza and Robert Konzal -

Christian Burial (Funerals)
In the burial of a Christian, we celebrate the faith of the deceased person and Christ's victory over death and suffering. When someone dies, the funeral director will call the parish office to arrange for burial. The pastor or a deacon will meet with the family to prepare for the funeral service.
Contact: Fr. Reed Mungovan, SDS -